🇬🇧🇺🇸 A month ago, Will Power became Indycar Champion for the second time of his career. So, to celebrate this, here is a rear engine sportcar concept, inspired by his helmet. The WP12 Concept. Many thanks to Bar Motorsport for the promotion during the show. --- 🇮🇹 Un mese fa, Will Power è diventato campione Indycar per la seconda volta della sua carriera. E quindi, per celebrarlo, ecco un concetto di macchina sportiva a motore posteriore, ispirato dal suo casco. La WP12 Concept. Un ringraziamento speciale a Bar Motorsport per la promozione durante la trasmissione. --- 🇫🇷🇧🇪🇨🇭 Il y a un mois, Will Power est devenu champion Indycar pour la seconde fois de sa carrière. Et donc, pour fêter ça, voici un concept de voiture sportive à moteur arrière, inspiré de son casque. La WP12 Concept. Un grand merci à Bar Motorsport pour la promo durant l'émission. --- #cardesign #modena #indycar #motorvalley #kapparossi #italia #transportdesign #autodidatta #sportscar  #sketch #drawing #barmotorsportofficial #barmotorsport #selftaught #analog #car #designhub4u #automotive #automobili #cardesignworld #cardesignitaly #cardesigndaily #australia #iosostengobarmotorsport #willpower #krmotorgraph #indy500

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